How To Take Care Of Your Human Hair Weavon

Human hair weavons are a must-have nowadays, from the silky feel, the light carry and the luxurious look. Another advantage of the premium weavon is that it doesn't tangle easily, so if well maintained, it can be used for many years. The care of the human hair weavon is continuous and an easy process, so let's start:

1) Use Specified Human Hair oil:

A lot of synthetic weavon can use any oil, but Human hair has specially made oils for it's maintenance. I use Corl oil for my human hair weavon. It keeps it shiny, soft and firm all year long. Please! Never use non-specified oil for your hair, it can leave it tangled and disoriented.

2 Detangle As Often As Possible:

The human hair doesn't get tangled very often, but once it does, detangle it to prevent further tangling.

3 Use Shea Butter:

I think everyone knows this, try using this organic product to soften your human hair. Did you know you can use this Shea butter to soften your natural hair, just rub into your palm and rub into your hair root.

4 Wash It Regularly

Washing of Human hair is quite different from your conventional hair.

1) Detangle the weavon

2) Soak the Weavon in lukewarm water 

3) Add mild hair conditioner and shampoo.

4) Use a wide toothed comb to comb through it like you are washing.

5) Rinse in clean lukewarm. 

6) Towel dry, but not roughly

7) Sundry

5  Get A Weavon Brush

Purchase a weavon comb that is soft. Do not use a comb. Combs usually roughen the edges your human hair.


- Do not use excess heat on your weavon hair.

- Do not use hair cream on your human hair.

- Do not brush it too hard, it can damage the hairs.

How to maintain human hair

How to take care of human hair

How to wash your human hair.


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  2. Thank you to tell us so much useful information. So nice sharing. I’m glad to read it


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