Suicide seems to be the top one on the chart of escape these days according to the World Health Organization (W.H.O). Over 800,000 people commit suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds.
We can't help but ask why a person in his or her right senses will see sucide as the ultimate salvation. Suicide is often defined as the act of killing oneself intentionally.
Most people think you would have to be out of your mind to commit suicide, but researches have proven there are a lot to the reasons behind suicide than we think.
A person's mental state is often responsible for a person attempt to commit suicide. These states are not uncommon.
Few of the mental states that causes the abnormal behavior is often:
*bipolar disorder
*Drug abuse
*personality disorders and the most common;
In cases like bipolar disorders, the person is usually energetic and in an elevated mood feeling extremely happy or irritable. Its a mental condition in which the person is not in control of his actions or decisions thus leading to suicide. It can also be known as the double personality disorder, a person who strangely exhibits two different personalities might have this disorder.
Schizophrenia on the other hand,is a mental disorder in which the individual exhibits abnormal behavior,a common sign is hearing voices that do not exist, reduction in social interactions, the patient might also suffer from extreme anxiety. It begins in young adulthood and sometimes the individual never overcomes it.
Drug or substance abuse has been one of the salient courses of suicide,but trust me cases ranging from overdose and addiction most times lead to suicide.If you have an issue with your state or you have an addiction which is slowly ridding you of your existence, please visit a psychiatric hospital today.
We already know "depression" as one of the major causes of suicide. Things might not be going well in your relationship, you feel inadequate, like you are not good enough, your self esteem is low, you lost your job or a close person to you, you never get good grades no matter how much you study, you are in debt, all these can cause an instant depression.
Unfortunately, it isn't always those factors that causes depression. The Family plays a big role in depression, from problems like broken homes to family history of suicide,family history of mental health or substance abuse disorder,being exposed to family members suicidal behaviours, physical abuse or violence and sexual abuse by family members, that can mess anyone up.
Exhilarating right guys, I am just trying to point out the obvious and not so obvious about facts about "Suicide".It might just be an easy way out for some people, out of a messy life while for others its an all time coward's move.
Please, if you are going through depression, mental issues,and drug abuse, kindly talk to someone, we all have our bad days, but we can always rise and come out stronger.
If you know anyone facing this issue, kindly show your love and support. Sucide might be a quick way out but it's never the salvation.
Please Say No To Suicide!
Written by The Andre
Edited by Awe Victoria
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