
As I walked down the narrow path leading home,I watched both sides of the bushes.
It was quite dark and I wasn't supposed to be out that late.
I heard sounds behind me
I thought it might be the birds or insects.But the bushes were quiet and seemed deserted.
Picking up pace and clutching my clothes hard,I heard movements.
I didn't contemplate looking back and ran as fast as my feets could carry me.
Something tripped me over,falling down to the dirt covered floor.i decided to face my fears and confront the attacker.
I turned back to see no one,I was perplexed.
Hitting the dirt off my body
And starting back towards home.
Through a faint streetlight something caught the corner of my eyes on the wall beside me.My shadow!!!
An image so unfamiliar to me,an image so hazy and terrifying.
This was me,this was my shadow.
My heart went to my mouth and i went into a dark place.
Andre Writes


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