How To Clear Black Knuckles
These is an article on How to clear black knuckles.
Black Knuckles can be the most embarrassing thing you can notice on someone. While some try to hide it, some have given up after spending so much money on getting rid of the black knuckles. Black knuckles are the obviously darker part of your hands or legs and often the flesh above the knuckle.
Believe it or not, black knuckles aren't always gotten from bleaching or "toning" as some would prefer, sometimes it's hereditary. Once something is hereditary, it's always hard to prevent, since it's actually part of you. It's not cool stigmatising people with black knuckles.
Bleaching is the primary source of hideous black knuckles. Whether you are new to skin toning or you have lightened many shades lighter than your real skin tone. I'm really not against bleaching, I don't bleach and I don't judge.
Well, we have all gone through times we might not always like how we look or when our self-esteem is so low because most people like the lighter person. As stereotypical as it maybe, even children's storybook painting portrays Jesus as a fair skinned and Lucifer as Red or Black.
If being light skinned makes you confident and Happy with yourself, why not? Just remember, never overdo it.
Skin cancer these days is scary enough, we don't want to unnecessary increase our chances. Use Dermatologist approved skin lightening cream to avoid scaly and greenish skin. Now, here are ways you can get rid of those stubborn dark knuckles.
1. Moisturize Properly
Most problem comes from using the cream generously on your face and other parts, but never rubbing it well on the knuckles. The knuckles have a harder skin, so you would have to continuous rub in your moisturizer with larger amount into knuckles to get a nicer result.
2. Toothpaste + Salt Mask
This is a really nice mask recommended by a friend to help get rid of hideous black knuckles. Put some toothpaste and salt into a small container (very small amount) mix the two together and rub it on your knuckles. Even on your legs, every stubborn hyperpigmentation on your body need this mask to clear away the black knuckles.
3. Stay Off Cheap Bleaching Cream
I would still make researches and write about nice skin lightening creams to use, but for now, stay away from cheap creams. They are always dangerous, it scares me once when I used skin white. The cream contains Mercury which causes cancer and permanently damaging the skin over a long term, so don't do that to your beautiful skin.
4. Lemon + Honey Mask
This works like a charm to get rid of dark knuckles, you should squeeze a whole lemon and add a table spoonful of honey to the mixture. Rub it all over your knuckles, be it hands or legs, rinse it after 15 minutes, do it everyday for a week, you will start noticing changes within four days.
5. Exfoliate Your Knuckles
Exfoliating is the removal of dead skin cells. We hardly exfoliate which makes our skin darker and duller, use honey and sugar. This is an home made scrub which is why it's a must-do. Get a tablespoon of honey and sugar. Mix both into a paste and rub it on all your knuckles till you are satisfied with the results.
Tips On Preventing Dark Knuckles
* Embracing your beautiful melanin. If you just leave your skin as it is, you are likely to not have dark knuckles.
* Eat good food, healthy living and lifestyle just show from in, to out, so cultivate a healthy life, eating good food and watch your skin glow which should reduce your knuckles contrast to the rest of your skin.
* Use good lotions
* Drink a lot of water
* Stay off hydroquinone
I hope that will help you get an even looking knuckle, don't forget to subscribe to my blog, share on various social media, comment and share the love, bye for now.
Nice one